The Genesis

Ephesians 1: 9 - “Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself”


With much excitement and enthusiasm, Mr and Mrs Radaniva departed the shores of Fiji with the anticipation of working with an overseas-based church, however, their initial destination was not the Land of Wonders, Cambodia; in contrary, it was Australia — What was suppose to be a quick layover in Cambodia, turned out to be the realization that they were victims of a scam. Being unfortunately placed in this predicament, they couldn’t continue towards Australia, so they sought out a place to stay.

Stuck in Cambodia for months with no money, that meant that they were unable to return home, they were unable to continue paying for their room at the guesthouse and they were also unable to access food and even water. Without any form of income source or networks, Joe began scouring for jobs that could at least provide them with water. Later on, he began collecting cans and bottles to provide what could be used to purchase water and food.

They survived a period of time with Joe continuing with his labor, and eventually, they found a Christian church in Phnom Penh which brought them into a family of believers. With this breakthrough, the church helped them with their necessities and even took a step further to pay for their room bills. Relieved, Joe and Ima started helping out at the church, serving in whatever ways that they could.

Similarly, this was what they had anticipated upon leaving their home, serving in a church, but it stemmed a tad deeper, when they began noticing men in need sleeping outside their guest house in the rain. Having experienced an ounce of that, the couple decided to give away what little they had to these men, and that’s when they received a deep conviction from the Lord - to remain in Cambodia and love and serve the Khmer people (Cambodian natives) and anyone that needed help.

3 kids later, and with Ima’s family now residing with the couple, Joe and Ima have returned from their homeland more than once showcasing God’s glory with the same intention that they had initially; to serve.

On one of his trips to Fiji, Joe returned with a Pastoral title, after being anointed by his local church and here in Cambodia, he serves as an administrator at church and teaches during bible studies and services that that the Zeal Ministry facilitates. On that note, Ima now is employed as an English teacher and at the same time, leads the worship team in church.

How amazing and visible our God has been within the years that have passed and in all pages of our story you would find the grooves of His hands molding what He intends to reveal His glory.

The scripture within the introduction is the truth about God’s ways; in that in the midst of the process, it is difficult to plain out His will, but if we hold on to His promises and find our anchor in it, in due time, God will reveal the purpose to the process. Currently, we hold countless testimonies all written out here in the Land of Wonders, and it would all with exclamation declare the greatness of our God.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

Be Blessed!

Bri Tabler